10 Jules Music  

"Natural Order Of Things / Worn"  - Double AA side

So this was recorded in February 2024  and released in March. I think these three releases are a kind of downbeat trilogy.  Hope you can get down to them ;-) 

"Stardust" New single coming 

2023 has been a tough year.  This song started out as a sad song. There's been lot death  aound, but somehow this tune finds its way to being resilent and somehow almost upbeat. Lets hope 24 is a good un. 

New single released 17th May

Writing/making music is a strange thing. Insurgency Helpline came in about an hour. I've been trying to write simply using an acoustic guitar and keeping things very simple. Most of this song is 2 chords ( which beats my usual 3 chord thrash).  Whilst it only took an hour to create 75% of the song, it took a further 2 weeks to sort and then two days studio time. Big thanks as always to Steve Whitty for his production help with track!  

Mission Control 

Hunkered down for the winter.

Released Dec 9th 22 - Apple Music and Spotify